Our History

The ndu Clinic (formerly the Ella Clinic), was established as a holistic dental practice in London in 2003. The Clinic was founded on the idea of providing an integrated treatment approach to dentistry. It has since expanded to offer a range of additional health services.

The recent rebrand of the clinic was initiated to encompass the growing belief in the integrated approach to health.

‘ndu’ (en-doo) means ‘life’ and is the overarching theme by which the Clinic operates, choosing treatments and practitioners that offer balance, and complimentary services to enhancing each patients life.

The ndu Clinic is run by principal dentist Dr Goran D. Stojanovic. Born and raised in Germany, he has continued the tradition of holistic treatment in his own unique way. The ndu Clinic is unique in including different fields to find the best treatment for each individual patient.

The ndu Clinic is dedicated to providing the patient with the best quality of care with the understanding that the dental treatment is part of the general well-being of the person. We continue being open to ways in which we can grow and develop.