Mouth Matters: The Link Between Oral Health and Your Well-Being

In the vast ecosystem that is our body, the oral cavity stands as a bustling metropolis of microorganisms, collectively known as the oral microbiome. Far from being a random assortment of bacteria, these microscopic inhabitants play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. This blog aims to shed light on the importance of the oral microbiome and why oral care is an integral part of maintaining optimal health.

Did you know that your mouth is a gateway to overall health, including your brain? 🧠

The oral microbiome is a diverse community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that inhabit the mouth. While the term "bacteria" might carry negative connotations, not all bacteria are harmful; in fact, many are beneficial and contribute to a balanced and thriving ecosystem within our mouths.

  • Maintaining a Balanced Microbial Community: The key to a healthy oral microbiome lies in maintaining a delicate balance. Various species of bacteria coexist harmoniously, preventing the overgrowth of harmful microbes that can lead to oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

  • Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: The oral microbiome plays a role in the initial stages of digestion. Saliva, rich with enzymes produced by oral bacteria, begins breaking down food particles before reaching the stomach. This preliminary digestion aids in nutrient absorption and contributes to overall digestive health.

  • Immune System Support: A well-balanced oral microbiome acts as a frontline defense for the immune system. Certain bacteria in the mouth help to fend off harmful invaders, contributing to the body's overall resilience against infections.

Why Oral Care Matters:

  1. Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Regular oral care practices, such as brushing and flossing, are essential for preventing the buildup of plaque – a bacterial film that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Maintaining a clean and healthy oral environment is a cornerstone of preventive dentistry.

  2. Fresh Breath and Confidence: Proper oral hygiene not only promotes physical health but also contributes to fresh breath and a confident smile. Regular brushing and flossing remove bacteria that cause bad breath, enhancing overall oral well-being.

  3. Systemic Health Impact: Emerging research suggests a strong connection between oral health and systemic conditions. Taking care of your oral health may have far-reaching effects on your overall well-being.

The Systemic Connection

The mouth serves as a gateway to the rest of the body, and the oral microbiome has been implicated in playing a pivotal role in various systemic diseases. Studies have established links between poor oral health and conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even adverse pregnancy outcomes. Understanding the pathways through which oral health influences these systemic diseases is crucial for comprehensive well-being.

  • Cardiovascular Health: Researchers have discovered a correlation between periodontal disease and an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Inflammation and bacterial infections from the mouth can potentially contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, emphasizing the need for diligent oral care in promoting heart health.

  • Diabetes and Oral Health: The bidirectional relationship between diabetes and oral health is noteworthy. Individuals with diabetes are more prone to gum disease, while untreated oral issues may make it challenging to manage blood sugar levels. Maintaining a healthy oral microbiome becomes a key aspect of managing diabetes and preventing related complications.

  • Respiratory Infections: Oral health can influence respiratory well-being, especially in vulnerable populations. Aspiration of oral pathogens can contribute to pneumonia and other respiratory infections, underscoring the importance of a healthy oral microbiome in respiratory health.

  • Pregnancy and Oral Health: Expectant mothers should pay special attention to their oral health, as poor oral hygiene has been linked to preterm birth and low birth weight. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the oral microbiome, emphasising the need for regular dental check-ups and maintaining.

🔬 Discover your oral microbiome's impact on health & happiness with a test. A swab for a healthier smile!


For more in-depth insights, helpful tips, and engaging content on maintaining a healthy oral microbiome, don't forget to check our Instagram page @nduclinic

The Comprehensive Guide to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

In the realm of healthcare, the intricate relationship between our orofacial muscles and overall well-being often goes unnoticed. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT), also known as Orofacial Myology, emerges as a groundbreaking approach to address orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) and enhance various aspects of health.

Understanding Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy:

OMT is a specialised field focusing on the "neuromuscular re-education or re-patterning of the orofacial muscles." By honing in on the muscles responsible for facial expressions, speech, and daily functions, OMT seeks to rectify orofacial myofunctional disorders.

The Reach of OMDs:

Orofacial myofunctional disorders can extend their influence far beyond the realm of oral health. They directly and indirectly affect critical functions such as sleep, breathing, chewing, swallowing, speech, breastfeeding, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function, facial aesthetics, orofacial skeletal growth and development, dental occlusion, dental health, and even orthodontic treatment stability.

Rooted in Breathing:

Many OMDs find their origins in insufficient habitual nasal breathing or mouth breathing. The subsequent adaptation of muscles and oral and facial functions to these disordered breathing patterns can lead to a cascade of issues.

The Four Pillars of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy:

  1. Nasal Breathing: OMT aims to promote nasal breathing throughout the day and night, optimising respiratory functions and fostering overall well-being.

  2. Lips Together at Rest: Encouraging individuals to keep their lips together at rest helps prevent mouth breathing and contributes to a more balanced orofacial environment.

  3. Correct Tongue Posture at Rest: Placing the tongue against the roof of the mouth during rest periods aids in maintaining proper oral posture, positively impacting various functions.

  4. Correct Swallowing: Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy targets correcting swallowing patterns to enhance overall oral and facial muscle coordination.

The Therapeutic Approach:

OMT employs a multifaceted strategy, integrating facial and tongue exercises along with behavior modification techniques. This holistic approach addresses the root causes of OMDs, aiming to retrain and optimise the neuromuscular functions of the orofacial region.

The Transformative Impact:

By embracing Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, individuals can experience a profound transformation in their overall well-being. Beyond addressing specific disorders, OMT contributes to improved sleep, enhanced breathing, more efficient chewing and swallowing, clearer speech, and a host of other benefits.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy stands at the forefront of healthcare innovations, offering a comprehensive solution to a wide range of orofacial myofunctional disorders. As awareness grows, so does the potential for individuals to unlock a new level of wellness through the transformative power of OMT.

At the forefront of this holistic approach is our esteemed team member, Dr. Aoife Stack, a passionate biological dentist with a keen interest in unraveling the intricate connections between oral health and overall well-being.

Meet Dr. Aoife Stack

Dr. Aoife Stack brings a wealth of expertise to our clinic, blending her skills as a general dentist with a specialised focus on how function and structure intertwine to impact crucial aspects of our daily lives. Her journey into this specialised field was sparked by a deep curiosity about the intricate relationship between orofacial function and various health parameters.

Dr. Stack has augmented her knowledge through a one-year orthodontic certificate in London, equipping her with a comprehensive understanding of orthodontic principles. Her commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in the field led her to train with the prestigious Breathe Institute in Los Angeles, specialising in the treatment of tongue tie—a crucial element in orofacial myofunctional therapy.

Dr. Stack seamlessly integrates orofacial myofunctional therapy with orthodontic treatments, offering a unique and comprehensive approach to her patients. Notably, she performs functional frenuloplasty, a procedure that addresses tongue tie in both children and adults. Driven by a passion for innovation, she is currently participating in the first cohort of early intervention orthodontics with clear aligners post-graduate diploma. This groundbreaking initiative provides a metal-free early intervention option for children.

An avid learner, Dr. Aoife Stack regularly engages in ongoing education by attending courses and conferences, ensuring she stays abreast of the latest developments and cutting-edge techniques in the field.

Dr. Stack's influence extends beyond our clinic as she actively contributes to the dental community. She serves as a board member of the British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine, reflecting her dedication to promoting optimal sleep health. Additionally, her expertise extends to the treatment of snoring using lasers, showcasing her versatility in addressing a spectrum of orofacial concerns.

Dr. Aoife Stack conducts her transformative treatments within our clinic, seamlessly integrating orofacial myofunctional therapy with orthodontic interventions. Her multidisciplinary approach, combined with a passion for holistic well-being, empowers patients to improve health by improving breathing and sleep quality.

Your Guide to Visiting a Biological Dentist: What to Expect and Essential Tips

Are you considering a visit to a biological dentist but unsure what to expect? Look no further!

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know before your appointment, from understanding the principles of biological dentistry to what to expect during your visit and tips for choosing compatible materials.

Understanding Biological Dentistry:

Biological dentistry, also known as holistic or integrative dentistry, focuses on the connection between oral health and overall well-being. Unlike traditional dentistry, which primarily addresses oral symptoms, biological dentistry takes a comprehensive approach, considering how dental treatments and materials impact the entire body.

What to Expect During Your Visit:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Your biological dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, including an assessment of your teeth, gums, jaw, and bite alignment. They will also inquire about your medical history and any existing health conditions to tailor their approach accordingly.

  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment findings, your dentist will develop a personalised treatment plan that prioritises your overall health and well-being. This may include recommendations for natural and biocompatible materials, as well as holistic approaches to dental care.

  3. Focus on Prevention: Biological dentistry emphasizes preventive measures to maintain optimal oral health and prevent future dental issues. Your dentist may provide guidance on nutrition, lifestyle habits, and oral hygiene practices to support long-term wellness.

Tips for Choosing Compatible Materials:

  1. Biocompatibility: Opt for dental materials that are biocompatible, meaning they are well-tolerated by your body and unlikely to cause adverse reactions. Common biocompatible materials include composite resins, ceramic crowns, and zirconia implants.

  2. Mercury-Free Dentistry: Choose a biological dentist who prioritises mercury-free dentistry and follows safe mercury amalgam removal protocols if necessary. Mercury is a toxic substance found in silver amalgam fillings and can pose health risks.

  3. Natural Approaches: Explore natural and holistic alternatives for dental care, such as herbal remedies, ozone therapy, and minimally invasive techniques. These approaches can complement traditional dental treatments and promote overall wellness.

  4. Patient Education: Look for a dentist who values patient education and takes the time to explain treatment options, procedures, and potential risks. A transparent and collaborative approach to dental care fosters trust and empowers patients to make informed decisions about their oral health.

In conclusion, visiting a biological dentist offers a holistic approach to dental care that prioritizes your overall health and well-being. By understanding the principles of biological dentistry, knowing what to expect during your visit, and choosing compatible materials, you can take proactive steps towards achieving a healthier smile and a healthier you.

Ready to experience the benefits of biological dentistry? Schedule your appointment with us today and embark on a journey towards optimal oral health and wellness!

Intravenous infusion- Boost your immune system

  • Improved Immune Function: Proper vitamin levels are essential for a strong immune system. IV infusion vitamins, particularly vitamin C, can provide a significant immune system boost, enhancing the body's ability to fight off infections and promote healing.

  • Radiant Skin and Anti-Aging Effects: Skin health is greatly influenced by proper nutrition. IV infusion vitamins, including biotin, collagen, and antioxidants, can promote healthy skin, improve complexion, and reduce signs of aging.


In recent years due to its ability to provide essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, by passing the digestive system. This method enables the body to absorb a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals, resulting in a more effective healing process.

  • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: By administering vitamins intravenously, we ensure that the nutrients are immediately available in the bloodstream, allowing the body to absorb and utilise them more efficiently. This fast and direct delivery supports optimal healing.

  • Increased Energy Levels: IV infusion vitamins can boost energy levels by replenishing crucial vitamins like B-complex, vitamin C, and magnesium. These nutrients play a vital role in supporting cellular energy production and reducing fatigue.

  • Rapid Recovery and Healing: IV infusion vitamins can accelerate the healing process for various conditions, such as surgery recovery, fatigue, dehydration, and chronic illnesses. They supply the body with the necessary nutrients to repair and rebuild damaged tissues.


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that the human body requires for several important functions. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, Vitamin C plays a significant role in collagen synthesis, iron absorption, and maintaining healthy skin, bones, and blood vessels.

While Vitamin C is commonly found in various fruits and vegetables, its absorption through oral consumption is limited due to the body's natural barriers. However, intravenous infusion bypasses these barriers, allowing for the direct delivery of high doses of Vitamin C into the bloodstream. This method ensures maximum absorption and bioavailability, leading to faster and more effective results.

The immune system greatly benefits from Vitamin C supplementation. It supports the production and function of white blood cells, which are essential in combating pathogens and strengthening the body's defense against infections. Vitamin C also helps reduce the duration and severity of common cold symptoms. Moreover, it aids in the synthesis of antibodies, further enhancing our body's ability to fight off harmful viruses and bacteria.

Intravenous Vitamin C therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential in treating various health conditions. It has been shown to improve outcomes in patients with sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and certain types of cancer. Moreover, Vitamin C IV infusions have been found to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, improving the overall quality of life for cancer patients.

In conclusion, Vitamin C IV infusion plays a crucial role in boosting our immune system and overall well-being.


Glutathione is a natural antioxidant produced in our bodies that helps protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. By supplementing with glutathione, we can enhance our body's antioxidant capacity, which can lead to improved health and well-being.

Glutathione plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system. It helps in the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and diseases. By maintaining adequate levels of glutathione, we can strengthen our immune defense and reduce the risk of illnesses.

Enhanced Immune Function: Glutathione plays a vital role in boosting our immune system. By strengthening our body's defence mechanisms, intravenous infusions can help fight off infections, reduce the severity of allergies, and improve overall well-being.

Glutathione helps improve oxygen utilisation during physical activity, making it a popular choice among athletes for enhancing endurance and reducing muscle fatigue.

Powerful Anti-inflammatory Effects: Glutathione helps reduce inflammation in the body by neutralising free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or asthma.

Studies suggest that Glutathione has neuroprotective properties, which can help in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.


B-complex vitamins are a group of essential nutrients that play a crucial role in various bodily functions. When taken as a supplement, they offer an array of benefits that can enhance your physical and mental health. Certain B-complex vitamins, particularly folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B6, help regulate homocysteine levels in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. By incorporating B-complex supplements into your routine, you can support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart-related complications.

B-complex infusions have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in the reduction of inflammation caused by injury or surgery. As inflammation is a significant hindrance to the healing process, the ability to alleviate it through B-complex infusions can significantly speed up recovery.

B vitamins play a crucial role in the regeneration and repair of cells. By incorporating a B-complex infusion into the healing process, individuals can benefit from improved cell repair, which is essential for tissue recovery and wound healing.

B vitamins are vital for energy production within the body. During the healing process, the body requires higher energy levels to aid in tissue repair and overall recovery. B-complex infusions can help boost energy levels, preventing exhaustion and supporting the body's healing efforts.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is essential for tissue regeneration, making it a valuable component of B-complex infusions during the healing process. By promoting the growth of new tissue, B-complex infusions can aid in scar reduction and wound healing.


Magnesium sulfate is administered directly into the bloodstream. This method allows for faster and more effective absorption of magnesium, which is known to be a crucial mineral for various bodily functions.

Adequate magnesium levels are essential for proper immune system function. By supporting immune cell activity and regulating inflammatory responses, magnesium infusion can boost overall immunity during the recovery process.

Magnesium helps relax smooth muscles, providing relief from muscle cramps, stiffness, and spasms. It is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like fibromyalgia or restless leg syndrome.

Magnesium is a crucial component in ATP production, the primary energy source for cellular activities. By ensuring optimal magnesium levels, the energy requirements for tissue repair and cellular regeneration can be met efficiently.

Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties that can help decrease acute inflammation, one of the initial responses to surgery. By modulating cytokine production and reducing oxidative stress, magnesium can contribute to a more controlled inflammatory response.


Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including wound healing. When administered intravenously, zinc can enhance the healing process by promoting cell division, collagen synthesis, and antioxidant activity.

Zinc is essential for DNA synthesis, cell proliferation, and tissue repair. Through these mechanisms, Zinc IV Infusion can help speed up the healing of wounds, ulcers, and surgical incisions.

Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining a robust immune system. By supporting immune cells' function, Zinc IV Infusion can aid in fighting off infections and improving overall healing outcomes.

Zinc possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling, redness, and pain associated with tissue damage. By regulating inflammatory responses, Zinc IV Infusion can promote a more comfortable and efficient healing process.

Zinc acts as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which protects cells from oxidative stress and damage. By enhancing antioxidant activity, Zinc IV Infusion can reduce oxidative damage, benefiting the healing process.


Procaine intravenous infusion, also known as procaine therapy, has been gaining significant popularity as an effective and safe means of improving overall health and well-being. This therapy involves the administration of the local anesthetic procaine via an intravenous route, leading to a range of positive outcomes for individuals who undergo the treatment.

Procaine is well-recognised for its analgesic properties and ability to alleviate pain. When administered intravenously, procaine can provide efficient pain relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or neuralgia. It works by blocking the transmission of pain signals, resulting in a significant reduction in discomfort and improved quality of life.

Enhanced Cellular Function: The primary benefit of procaine intravenous infusion lies in its ability to support and optimise cellular function. Procaine acts as a stimulant for cellular metabolism, resulting in improved energy production and cellular repair. This can have a positive impact on various systems of the body, leading to increased vitality and overall well-being.

Another noteworthy benefit of procaine infusion therapy is its detoxifying effects. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body through improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This process can result in a variety of positive effects, including improved skin health, increased mental clarity, and enhanced overall vitality.


Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, providing structure and support to various tissues such as our skin, bones, tendons, and muscles. However, as we age, the production of collagen diminishes, resulting in sagging skin, wrinkles, and overall loss of elasticity.

Skin Rejuvenation: Collagen infusion helps stimulate the production of new collagen fibers, promoting skin rejuvenation and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By replenishing the collagen levels in your skin, you can achieve a more youthful and radiant complexion.

Enhanced Skin Elasticity: The infusion of collagen can improve the elasticity and firmness of your skin, making it look plumper, smoother, and more supple. This can help reduce the visibility of stretch marks and cellulite, giving your skin a flawless appearance.

Joint Health: Collagen helps maintain the integrity of cartilage, joints, and tendons. Infusing collagen can help alleviate joint pain, improve flexibility, and support overall joint health, making it an excellent option for individuals with arthritis or joint-related issues.

Increased Moisture Retention: Collagen infusion has been proven to enhance the skin’s ability to retain moisture, leading to improved hydration levels. This can alleviate dryness, itchiness, and irritation, leaving your skin well-nourished and glowing

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Ceramic Dental Implants: A Revolution in Tooth Replacement by SDS

Dental implants have long been a transformative solution for individuals seeking to replace missing teeth and restore oral functionality. Among the diverse materials used for dental implants, ceramic has emerged as a cutting-edge alternative, offering a blend of aesthetics, biocompatibility, and durability.

In the realm of dental implants, SDS stands out as a trailblazer, setting a new standard for excellence with their fully ceramic implants. Unlike traditional options that may incorporate metal abutments, SDS implants represent a breakthrough in dental restoration as the only implants on the market crafted entirely from ceramic materials. This distinctive feature places SDS at the forefront of metal-free implantology, offering patients a unique and holistic solution for tooth replacement.

The Rise of Ceramic Dental Implants:

Traditionally, dental implants were primarily made of titanium, a strong and biocompatible metal. While titanium implants have proven successful in countless cases, the demand for more aesthetic options led to the development of ceramic dental implants.


Key Advantages of Ceramic Dental Implants:


·      Aesthetic Appeal:

Benefits: Ceramic dental implants mimic the natural colour of teeth, making them an excellent choice for individuals concerned about the visual impact of tooth replacement. They seamlessly blend with the surrounding teeth, enhancing overall smile aesthetics.

·      Biocompatibility:

Benefits: Ceramic implants are biocompatible, meaning they integrate well with the body's natural tissues. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions or inflammatory responses, promoting a harmonious interaction with the surrounding oral environment.

·      Holistic and Metal-Free:

Benefits: Ceramic implants are a preferred option for individuals who prioritize holistic and metal-free dental solutions. This is particularly relevant in biological dentistry, where the avoidance of metals aligns with the overall health philosophy.

· Corrosion Resistance:

Benefits: Unlike some metal implants that may corrode over time, ceramic implants are highly resistant to corrosion. This durability ensures a long-lasting and reliable tooth replacement solution.

SDS: Pioneering Excellence in Ceramic Dental Implants:

 SDS, or Strategic Dental Solutions, is a leading company in the field of dental implantology, specializing in advanced solutions with a focus on ceramic dental implants. Committed to innovation, quality, and patient satisfaction, SDS has become a trailblazer in providing state-of-the-art dental implant options.


Key Features of SDS Ceramic Dental Implants:

  ·      Precision Engineering:

SDS employs precision engineering techniques to craft ceramic dental implants with exceptional accuracy. This ensures a snug fit and optimal functionality for each patient.

·      Comprehensive Aesthetics:

Understanding the importance of a natural-looking smile, SDS ceramic dental implants are designed to harmonize seamlessly with the patient's existing dentition, delivering comprehensive aesthetic results.

·      Biocompatible Materials:

SDS prioritizes biocompatible materials in their ceramic implants, promoting healthy integration with the surrounding tissues and minimizing the risk of adverse reactions.

·      Patient-Centric Approach:

With a commitment to patient satisfaction, SDS emphasizes a patient-centric approach in the development and application of their ceramic dental implants. This involves tailored solutions that address individual needs and preferences.


The Future of Ceramic Dental Implants:

 As technology and dental materials continue to advance, the future of ceramic dental implants looks promising. The ongoing research and development by companies like SDS contribute to the evolution of tooth replacement options, providing patients with increasingly sophisticated, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solutions.

In conclusion, ceramic dental implants, with their aesthetic appeal and biocompatibility, represent a significant advancement in the field of dental implantology. SDS, as a pioneering force, exemplifies excellence in crafting ceramic dental solutions that not only replace missing teeth but also elevate the overall oral health and aesthetics of individuals seeking a holistic approach to tooth restoration. As the demand for metal-free options grows, ceramic dental implants are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of modern dentistry.

Biological dentistry and holistic approach at ndu clinic

Biological Dentistry, also known as Holistic Dentistry, is an approach that recognises that each individual is unique and requires personalised dental care. Unlike traditional dental practices, our team takes into account the entire body, considering the impact of dental treatments on the overall health of our patients.

At ndu clinic, we pride ourselves in offering a unique and comprehensive approach to dental care that focuses on the overall well-being of our patients. We strongly believe in a comprehensive approach to oral health, which goes beyond merely treating oral conditions. Our clinic aims to support the holistic well-being of our patients, recognising that the body functions as a complex interconnected system. Our ultimate goal is to help our patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health, which we believe is closely linked to overall well-being. By providing biological dental care, we aim to contribute to the overall health and vitality of our patients.

We strongly believe in a comprehensive approach to oral health, which goes beyond merely treating oral conditions. Our clinic aims to support the holistic well-being of our patients, recognising that the body functions as a complex interconnected system.

Recognising the importance of nutrition and understanding the impact it has on oral health, we are keen to explore ways to collaborate and create a synergistic relationship with nutritionists. By combining our knowledge of dental treatments with their expertise in optimising nutritional factors, we can potentially improve the effectiveness and outcomes of our treatments.

Similarly, we also recognise the value of functional practitioners who address underlying imbalances or dysfunctions that may contribute to oral health issues. By working hand-in-hand with functional practitioners, we can provide a more holistic and comprehensive approach to dental care that ultimately benefits our patients

Here are some key features of our holistic approach:

  • Biological Materials: We strictly avoid the use of toxic materials such as mercury fillings, nickel- based alloys, and other potentially harmful substances. Instead, we use biocompatible, non-toxic materials that promote the body's own healing abilities.

  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: Whenever possible, our team employs minimally invasive procedures to preserve the healthy tooth structure and avoid unnecessary trauma to the surrounding tissues.

  • Prevention and Education: We believe that prevention is the key to optimal oral health. Our team is dedicated to educating our patients about proper oral hygiene practices, nutrition, and lifestyle changes that can contribute to long-term dental health.

  • Collaboration with Holistic Practitioners: We maintain strong relationships with other holistic practitioners, such as naturopaths and alternative medicine specialists, to provide integrated care for our patients. This collaboration ensures that all aspects of our patients' health are addressed.

  • Patient-centred Approach: Our primary goal is to provide patient-centric care that considers the unique needs and concerns of each individual. We take the time to listen to our patients, understand their dental and overall health history, and involve them in the decision-making process for their treatments.

We take pride in our comprehensive range of treatments that prioritise biological and holistic approaches to dental care. Our clinic aims to promote overall well-being by considering the connection between oral health and overall health.

Our main areas are:

  • Safe Amalgam Removal: If you have old silver fillings that contain mercury, we use advanced techniques and safety measures to remove them safely, minimising the exposure to harmful toxins. Following SMART protocol by IAOMT.

  • Addressing of Root Canals: Root canals have been subject to scientific studies, and there are concerns about the bacteria associated with them contributing to chronic diseases. The procedure aims to remove the infection from the centre of the tooth down to the root. However, the challenge is that bacteria often remain in the small tubules of the canal walls.

  • Zirconium implants: For patients requiring dental implants, we offer ceramic implants, that are compatible with your body's own tissues, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or complications.

  • Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy: We provide gentle and effective treatments for gum disease, including scale and polish with airflow device, laser therapy, laser bacteria reduction to promote oral health and reduce inflammation.

  • Treatment of cavitation: The treatment of NICO generally consists of extracting the necrotic and adjacent bone along with prior and post treatment to stabilise the immune system. Cavitation surgery is the term for the dental surgical procedure that removes diseased bone from within this cavity so that new healthy bone can grow back.

At our dental clinic, we prioritise the integration of cutting-edge technologies and treatment modalities to ensure the highest level of care for our patients. In line with this commitment, we offer several advanced treatments that have shown significant benefits in promoting healing and facilitating the recovery process.

The biological approach following to improve success healing:

  • Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): PRF is a revolutionary treatment that utilises the growth factors found in the patient's own blood to stimulate tissue regeneration and accelerate healing. By isolating and applying these concentrated platelets, we can enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms, resulting in faster recovery and improved outcomes.

  • Ozone Therapy: Ozone therapy involves the application of medical-grade ozone gas to treat various dental conditions. This therapy has proven to be highly effective in disinfecting infected tissues, reducing inflammation, and improving overall healing. Ozone therapy can be applied during both surgical and non-surgical dental procedures, providing our patients with the best possible care.

  • Intravenous (IV) Infusions: We also offer IV infusions to support the healing process after dental surgeries. These infusions are tailored to each patient's specific needs and are designed to replenish vital nutrients, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. By delivering essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, our IV infusions promote faster healing and aid in a smooth recovery.

  • Photobiomodulation: commonly known as laser therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that utilises low-level lasers to stimulate cells and promote tissue repair. This therapy has been proven effective in reducing pain and inflammation and enhancing the healing process after dental surgical procedures.

  • Red light therapy: also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential healing properties. We have implemented red light therapy as a complementary treatment option to assist with various conditions, such as wounds, tissue repair, skin rejuvenation, and pain relief. This non-invasive therapy involves exposing the body to specific wavelengths of red light, which can penetrate the skin to stimulate cellular activity, increase blood flow, and accelerate the healing process.

At our clinic, we offer a diverse array of tests, including but not limited to:

  • Oralmicrobiome test: This test allows us to analyse the microorganisms present in the oral cavity,

providing valuable insights into oral health and potential risks.

  • Melisa: The Melisa test is a unique diagnostic tool used to assess hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to various substances. It helps identify potential triggers for adverse immune responses, enabling personalised treatment plans.

  • OMNOS: Elements test analyses over 30 crucial heavy metals that may be interfering with your health. You will be able to gain insights into the mineral content of body tissue, assess exposures to toxic heavy metals, and understand how your mineral and toxic ratios influence each other and the impact this has on your overall health.

    We strongly believe in placing our patients' needs first, and our dedicated team is committed to

offering you the best possible care, in both preventive and curative aspects. We are here to listen,

guide, and provide excellent healthcare services. If you have any questions or would like to

schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 02079355281 or . Our friendly reception team will be more than happy to assist you.